Dr. Siu Wai Iris Hui

11/02/1976 - 08/26/2021


Obituary For Dr. Siu Wai Iris Hui

Dr. Siu Wai Iris Hui, aged 44, passed away peacefully on Thursday, August 26, 2021, in Fremont, California. She was born in Hong Kong on November 2, 1976, daughter of Kam Hing Hui and Chow Har Au Yeung. She is survived by her husband, Franklin P. Wong, by her parents, her brother Siu Chi Alex Hui, sister-in-law Wai Man Josephine Lo, and nephew Yat Hei Hui.

A memorial service will be held at 10 AM PDT on Friday, September 17th, at Fremont Memorial Chapel, 3723 Peralta Boulevard in Fremont, CA. Pastor Tim Chan of Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley will officiate. Family and friends are welcome to the gathering with refreshments immediately after the service. (COVID precautions, mask wearing and social distancing will be observed at the service.) The service will also be live-streamed for those who cannot attend in person.

Iris graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1999 with Highest Distinction and Higher Honors. Before relocating to California in 2001, Iris worked as a full-time Research Assistant at Harvard School of Education. Iris obtained her Ph.D. in Political Science from University of California, Berkeley. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Los Angeles, and then as a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Since 2013, Iris held several positions at Stanford University, most recently as the Executive Director of Golub Social Impact Lab, Graduate School of Business, and as a Senior Researcher at the Bill Lane Center for the American West.

Iris’ research interests lay at the intersection of Geography and Political Science, resulting in many publications focused on migration, residential sorting, public receptivity to new green technology and conservation, and regional governance of natural resources. Her passion for her topics transcended beyond her work and left a lasting impression upon everyone who worked with Iris. Her love of teaching also helped her students break new ground and find courage to navigate their lives, which Iris regarded as the most fulfilling aspect of her being a scholar and an educator.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Dr. Iris Hui Memorial Scholarship in memory of Dr. Siu Wai Iris Hui. In honor of Iris’ legacy. Money raised will be used to provide funding to researchers and students of either Stanford University or University of California, Berkeley, who embody Iris’ passion and dedication to social science research.

Please see below for other hyperlinks about Iris: 1. Remembering Iris Hui | The Bill Lane Center for the American West 2. Chinese version of the obituary


17 Sep


09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Fremont Memorial Chapel 3723 Peralta Blvd. Fremont , CA 94536 Get Directions »
17 Sep

Funeral Service

10:00 AM

Fremont Memorial Chapel 3723 Peralta Blvd. FREMONT, CA 94536 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • 10/21/2021

    Dear Iris, I will always remember the Michigan Avenue we wandered, the roads of life we shared and all things in between, said or unsaid. You will be on my mind, forever. Youn

  • 10/08/2021

    Dear Franklin, My sincere condolences for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  • 09/21/2021

    No words are apt to express the loss and void you have left behind. As someone who witnessed your growth from a teenager to a respectable academic researcher, I am so proud of your achievements and your strengths all along in dealing with different challenges. You have touched upon the lives of so many others to help them achieve their bigger purposes. Thank you Iris for all that you have done to make this world special with your love and character strengths! My deepest condolences to your family! May Iris live in our hearts forever and with her, we will be strengthened to continue to do good and help others to achieve more! Corina Chen

  • 09/20/2021

    So sorry for your loss Franklin. You are in our prayers during these difficult times. Bob Mitroff

  • 09/17/2021

    Iris was a great friend from graduate school and I always appreciated her intelligence, thoughtfulness, and sense of humor. I will miss her very much. My condolences to Franklin and her family.

  • 09/17/2021

    肇慧(Iris),細姨啊,好想念您啊, 您由細到大都係叻女嚟㗎,細細個已睇得出您係一個好讀到書嘅人,您對自己學業好有要求及目標,父母對您的竉愛,無微不至,全力支持您去完成您的夢想,羡慕你的。 記得那年去美國密芝根參加您學士畢業典禮時,那大學好似成個城市咁,行到我哋鞋都就嚟爛啊,係個幾萬人坐既球場睇畢業典禮,好壯觀,畢生難忘。 您還繼續不斷努力學習,成為博士,家族裡有您Dr. Hui, 我們都以您為驕傲,以往好多好多開心、快樂嘅回憶、經歷過往事,永遠永遠都留在我們惱海裡面,無論您身在何方,您永遠都藏在我們深心處,天變地變,但我們全部的心永遠都不會變,永遠都跟您的心連繫在一起,從來都沒有分開過啊。 我看過一本書名叫「我還未有準備說再見」,冇膽量及勇氣去打開本書睇啊,不想由第一頁喊到最後一頁啊! 您在天之靈永遠不會孤寂,我們永遠都聚守在您身旁,願您無論在何方,您永遠永遠都係最發光發亮、冇人能取代的一顆永恆耀眼閃亮、開心、獨特、別樹一格的星星。 Iris, 安息吧!一路走好!您永遠永遠都是我們的摯愛! 忍着淚對您說Goodbye! 永遠愛您、懷念您的細姨 Aunt Sarah

  • 09/17/2021

    慧,真的好痛,好掛住妳啊!作為媽媽能讓親愛女兒享受極大的自由度,讓妳投身喜爱的學業與工作,真的無悔!我知道這样,妳會遠離我,會減少跟妳相聚日子但無減我對妳的愛! 期待我們重聚一天......深愛妳的媽媽

  • 09/17/2021

    親愛肇慧,接到妳離世噩耗,真的無法接受,內心真的好痛,最後也迫於面對妳真的離開我們......我深信這只是暫別,我們最終一定會再重見的。 那夜,妳離港回美繼續學業,仍記得妳說妳已長大成人,能夠好好照顧自己,請我放心比妳去追求夢想。雖然難捨但十分支持及明白妳的心願。最後妳真的做到了!拿到博士學位畢業!我一直敬佩妳的超凡意志及毅力,以妳為傲! 我很認同面對死亡的方法不是遗忘,而是記着'愛'。因為那些都是寶贵的回憶! 你给我温暖感覺及愛實難以忘掉的......永遠愛妳想念妳的六姨

  • 09/17/2021

    Dear Iris, rest in peace. so sorry we couldnt meet last time. i will always remember you. wish you happy in next life. Pak Lun

  • 09/17/2021

    Hello Iris,收到你離開的消息,實在很震驚和傷心。時間飛逝,我們已認識了30多年,在尋找與你的舊有合照時,一幕幕中學時代的畫面浮現,年少無知,多好。我們身處異地,見面的時間不多,但非常感恩你竟然可以回港出席我的婚禮,陪我走進人生另一階段。但願你在神的懷抱中享受平安與喜樂,祈求聖靈親自安慰Franklin和你家人的心,讓我們一同走過這段路,保持盼望,將來在天家再聚。 掛念你的Carman

  • 09/17/2021

    親愛的肇慧,永遠懷念妳,愛你,會牢記最美最快樂的妳 ...... 五姨丈·五姨·栢倫·仲思

  • 09/17/2021


  • 09/17/2021

    親愛肇慧,以往跟你閒談中,給我印像你是 幸福 堅強 努力 歡樂。 你在美國考得博士學位 成績優越, 身心康復 。被你封為理髮博士的老豆也感到十分自豪! 他每次提起你都不禁笑得滿足,媽媽都十分安心安慰。家中各人均以你為傲。 你對表弟妹們的學業意見細水長流, 跟進至選修 擇業 心思大愛 愛心滿瀉 。 就讓孩子和父母們去感受.... 得到安慰,就如得到力量  跌倒了 不用哭.....幸福不在遠方 就在眼前 擁有幸福 並願意送出去 才是心靈真正富足滿瀉.. ................ 六姨丈

  • 09/17/2021

    肇慧,妳好像天上的一顆明亮閃燦的星星,照亮了我們的人生,我們感謝妳給我們的愛,妳的努力及意志,令我們自豪,以你為傲! 妳的離去,我們感到十分心痛及惋惜!願妳平安去到天上家鄉! - 大姨丈大姨浩然

  • 09/16/2021

    We are deeply saddened by the news of Iris's passing. We will never forget the image of her gentle and bright face. May God give her eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain. Our most sincere condolences. 'Dark' 舅父,舅母,Justin

  • 09/15/2021

    Deepest condolences to Dr. Iris Hui's family. Sylvia and John Hemmerich

  • 09/13/2021

    Dear Franklin, My heartfelt condolences to you and Iris' family on your loss. Her sudden departure must be heartbreaking and hard to come to terms with. May the loving memories of her meaningful life and the joy she brought to those around her help to relief some of the pain. Wishing you strength and comfort during this testing period. May Iris rest in peace. Take care, Monica C.T.

  • 09/11/2021

    We are absolutely devastated to have lost Iris, our colleague and friend at the Bill Lane Center. She was a brilliant scholar and a dedicated, caring mentor for so many of our students. I loved Iris, we'll all miss her terribly, and she touched many, many lives. My heart is with Franklin and all of Iris's family and friends. May her memory be a blessing.

  • 09/11/2021

    Iris, 收到你突然離去的消息,很難接受也很傷心! 我們相識在少年,成為你的同學、朋友,也曾經是你的鄰座,多謝你對我的信任,願意與我分享你的喜樂和煩惱。雖然你中七之後離開了香港,因為各種原因,少了聯絡,但每當你回港,我們都會見面,談過不停,不但追回大家失去的時間,也分享我們不同階段的成長片段。難忘你認真好學的態度,懷念我們在學校生活的點滴,忘不了你對我和我家人的關心,欣賞你有勇氣,排除萬難,追尋自己的夢想。今天,雖然你要走的路已到終點,但仍然為你豐盛的人生、為你的成就和貢獻感到驕傲!但願你在遙遠的他方好好安息!永遠懷念你的 Jenny Lau Franklin,感激你一直照顧和陪伴Iris,與她一起經歷高低,一起成長。希望你能捱過這傷痛,好好保重! Iris家人,希望你們節哀順變,一切安好!

  • 09/11/2021

    Dear Iris,我的戰友;感謝您一直堅強地活下去。感謝您一直在我身邊,在我意志消沉的時候,為我加油打氣。這麼多年來,你闖過一個又一個的難關,向着你的目標進發,我為你感到驕傲! 我們一起經過的,我永遠也不會忘記。雖然感到萬般不捨,但你要知道,我們距離不會因此而拉遠了,因為,你永遠也會活在我的心裏。知道你一直十分熱愛工作、一直造就年輕一代。請你放心,深信你的耕耘,必不會白費的。 致Iris 的家人:她現在在一個沒有痛苦的國度裏,你們也要好好生活、保重身體、活得堅強!大學朋友Erica Tong

  • 09/10/2021

    Iris 的家人: 對於Iris的離去,我們都感到錯愕和悲痛。 相信Iris 最大的願望是見到您們能健康快樂地生活下去。 相信您們幸福了,Iris才能安心。 請節哀順變,要好好保重,照顧好身體。 ************** Dear Franklin, We were surprised and saddened to hear about Iris' passing. We never would have felt ready to say goodbye to someone as special as her. She will be dearly missed. Her fondness and warmth will always be in our heart. Those memories we have will live on forever and be cherished for years to come. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Wishing you comfort and strength for the days ahead.

  • 09/09/2021

    Iris, 不經不覺我們已是三十年的老朋友了。我們能相聚的日子實在太少,只有中學時期和每當您從美國回港探親時的聚會。您還記得嗎?中學時,我們在「空堂」和参與學校活動的時候那些說笑、玩樂的片段...預科時,我們一班朋友在晚上到中環和尖沙咀慶祝聖誕節...幾年前您回港,在聚會結束後準備乘地鐵回去,我們幾個朋友就在樂富地鐵站列車月台上駐足交心傾談了一個小時也未離去... 很高興有您這位好朋友,您總是那麼關心我。記得大學畢業後,當我需要為人生做出其中一個最重要的決定時,您常與我在電郵和ICQ中傾談,給予我支持、鼓勵和建議...每當您回港與我們聚會,您總會問候我的家人... 從没想過您會有離開我們的一天。您永遠都會在我們的心中,以前是,現在是,將來也是。 您的中學同學 Colleen Lo

  • 09/09/2021

    It's heartbreaking to lose Iris, a dear friend and old classmate from the days in HK. I will always remember how sweet she was, and how proud I am of her success and achievements. My thoughts go out to Franklin and the rest of the family. Shelly Chan

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