Funeral Counseling Fremont CA
After the death of a loved one in Fremont CA, you may need funeral counseling. We are Fremont Memorial Chapel, a privately owned funeral parlor and mortuary located in Fremont California. When it comes to grieving the death of loved ones, our compassionate staff are here to assist in planning the service for your loved one. Whether your loved one has left plans for their funeral or you are organizing a memorial for them, we are here for you. If you are mourning the loss of a loved one and need a little help to get through the all-consuming sorrow, here are some tips from Fremont Memorial Chapel experts.
Embrace Your Feelings
When people come to us baffled by their feelings, we tell them to accept and own them as that is the only way to move forward after a loss. Like most personal experiences, grief is also different for everyone. Many people find it difficult to mourn until the pressures of services and burial are over. There is no handbook to learn the ‘right way of mourning’ because there isn’t one. You cannot (and shouldn’t) expect yourself to ‘feel like someone else’ when coping with the death of a loved one. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Always remember that your bond with the deceased was unique. No matter how much someone else’s relationship with the departed seems similar to yours, know that it couldn’t be. Once you start believing that, you’ll be able to embrace your feelings.
Seek Help
Although every person has their own thoughts and reactions to a passing of a loved one, they don’t have to get through those alone. Seeking help can mightily help you cope with grief. That said, for some people asking for help can be quite a challenge, which is completely fine. But in the case of navigating bereavement, reaching out to a counselor, like the grief companions at Fremont Memorial Chapel. You can also rely on a close friend to vent your feelings. Sharing your troubling thoughts and complicated feelings is pretty cathartic, so give it a try.
Take Your Time
Take as much time as you need to adjust to your new routine without your loved one. As a team that helps families grieve day in day out, Fremont Memorial Chapel experts know how time-taking healing can be after losing a beloved. So, believe us when we tell you that it’s okay to give yourself enough room to heal. If you do that, you’ll be able to understand and process your emotions better. If you are still not sure you can deal with the death of someone close to you, please reach out to us at Fremont Memorial Chapel and allow us to be your companion in your journey towards healing. Call (510) 793-8900.